Saturday, November 12, 2005

Six nations conference: Abolition of newclear weapon is the principle which cannot be conceded

Six nations conference: Abolition of newclear weapon is the principle which cannot be conceded

The six-nations talk which was held in Peking over the North Korea's nuclear weapon issue was closed with the chairman's summary which contains a new establishment of a group to deal with this issue. In this talk which was second since last summer, it was a crucial point whether North Korea would show a sincere response to a request from Japan,US and South Korea to seek for a complete,irreversible and verifiable abolition of its nuclear development including enriched uranium.But North Korea didn't recognize the existence of uranium enrichment project which it possibly acquired through Pakistan.Although that was expected, those Pyonyang's response was a pity. It cannot be said that it was a positive response to the abolition of nuclear weapon .Pyonyang obstinately insisted in the days of US-North Korea's framework in 1994 that the black lead reactor for the extraction of plutonium for newclear weapon was only for peace use. It was natural that other five nations didn't agree to the North Korea's request while Pyonyang gave an unclear answer about the enritched uranium. It was proper that Japan/South Korea/US persisted to the principle of the denuclearation. The plan to discuss the nuclear issue in the workshop means harsher diplomatic talks for denuclearation in future.It hasn't changed that the peaceful resolution of the nuclear issue depends on the decision of North Korea. If Pyongyang thinks that it succeeded in postponing the problem, that is a big mistake. In this talk, Pyongyang could obtain nothing in the talks about food, energy aide.In order to solve its issues early, it is the first step that Pyongyang give a clear explanation about the uranium enritchment plan and freeze the plan and dispose them completely. As long as Pyongyang doesn't accept on-site inspection after that, It will never be able to get the aides from other countries. In the sense, continued talks and newly built working group are a few oppotunities for North Korea. If in following discussion in the 6 nation talk and the working group Pyongyang doesn't show positive attitude, the patience of five nations will be exhausted.Regarding the abduction issue which is a serious issue for Japan, the attitude to solve this issue was incorporated with the indirect expression.This shows that the awareness about the abduction issue is spreading further among nations. Either through six nation talks or Japan/North Korea conference, Pyongyang had to show its sincere efforts promptly.The peace and security in not only Japan/North Korea but also whole eastern asia depends on the comprehensive solution of nuclear weapon,abduction and missile issue. It is necessary for Japan/South Korea/US in next talks to maintain their cooperation and solidarity in order to materialize the denuclearation in the Korean peninsula. Pyongyang had to recognize that the further it postpones its decision, the worse its position becomes.

Asahara, Aum Shinrikyo Cult, carried out the March 1995 subway sarine gas attack

Asahara, Aum Shinrikyo Cult, carried out the March 1995 subway sarine gas attack

A defendant Chizuo Matsumoto (Syoukou Asahara) of Aum Shinrikyou was sentenced to death. In the 13 cases which he was prosecuted for, 27 inocent people were killed and hundreds of victims have been suffering from aftereffect. He deserves to be a death sentence because he was convicted of a mastermaind of all cases.Still,seven years and ten months since the first trial is too long. Not a few victims were dead before they knew the sentence. Although it is a unprecedent case, the delay is partly due to the change of the court-appointed attonies and inefficient trial. It can be said that the efforts of judges,prosecuters and attonies were insufficient. All concerned have to pursue why this case extended over a long period in order not to repeat this failure. They have to learn a lesson from this case.Despite the long time it has taken, the truth has not come out. This seems to increase the unsatisfactory for the trial and empty feeling. It is a pity that the accused Matsumoto didn't express an excuse, to say nothing of an apology. All we can do is to expect him to change his mind.Since the stage of investigation, the indictment for each crime has had priority. And the elucidation of the background of the case and the dark side of the religious group was one step behind. This is a big problem because it is far from the truth to conclude that it was due to the Asahara's greed or insanity or to guess by religious argument.All in all, this incident was that the youngsters who were invited by charismatic character of Asahara and his faked supernatural power pretending religious retuals fell into group hypnotic trance and and were driven to terror acts. Although prosecutors pointed out that they intented to overthrow the goverment, the process that they acquired real estates, the oppotunity and aim that they began their armament, the reason that they advanced to Russia and whether someone behind Matsumoto existed or not, have not been clarified.Experts have repeatedly pointed out the trend that youngsters who cannot find out the target of their passion are easily invited to religious groups or cultic groups. Unless we build the society with full of dream and hope, the risk of the reoccurance of this incident won't go out.*Shokou Asahara's Aum Shinrikyo Cult did a sarin nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway system, which killed 12 people and injured more than 5500 march 20,1995.This is one of the first cases that poison nerve gas was used in a terror attack against inocent people without military purpose.

Japan needs more cards for sanction to NorthKorea

Japan needs more cards for sanction to NorthKorea

In the Upper House of Japan, two ruling parties and one main opposing party agreeed to make efforts to approve a legal ban on specific ships' entering Japan's ports, which assumes North Korea's ships, following the already-approved revised foreign exchange-trade law.One leader of the opposing party said "The abduction issue by Pyongyang is not the issue to be struggled between ruling and opposing parties. We have to cooperate". That makes sense. Abduction issue has to be dealt with across the boundaries of political parties.In the last six nation talks, there was no advance about the nuclear development issue and abduction issue at all. That is due to that North Korea didn't concede at all.A high-ranked officer of Pyongyang said "the abduction issue is related to the nuclear development issue and the advancement of the relationship between Pyongyang and Washington". If he meant that no advancement of nuclear development issue would give no solution of the abduction issue, we cannot approve that.Tokyo has insisted the comprehensive solution of the nuclear development issue and the abduction issue. But the homecoming of the families of the abducted victims has to be carried out without condition as soon as possible.The mental agony of the abductees and their families has increased. The investigation about the safety of the victims has not advanced. In the Upper House of Japan, three big political parties insisted to put the economic sanction into effect against North Korea by the revised foreign trade law. Prime minister Koizumi is thinking carefully of the economic sanction against Pyongyang. If Pyongyang won't try to solve the abduction issue in order to gain time, the possibility of the economic sanction will increase.Japan's public opinion backs the government's policy. 78% of people regard the revised foreign trade law as a good one. The ration of people who answerd that the Japanese government's response in the abduction issue was not enough was 75%. 52% of their reason was that it didn't response strongly against North Korea.Pyongyang criticized Japan's legal ban on specific ships' entering Japan's ports, saying "Japanese government is trying to prevent North Korean people from coming and going to their home country and meeting their family"It is Pyongyang to have prevented the abuductee's families from coming to Japan. It has no right to blame Japan.

Mistakes of Japanese style restructuring

Mistakes of Japanese style restructuring

Restructuring which is under the way in many Japanese companies contains four mistakes,which give deep bad effects to Japanese economy.First mistake is the timing of restructuring. At the point when japanese economy recovered step by step from the collapse of bubble economy, tax burden on people increased and managing failure of banks and security firms begun. We can say that after this point Japanese economy rushed into deflation spiral. Additionally companies made an employment adjustment at this point. If wage adjustment had had priority over employment adjustment, anxiety of people would be by far smaller.Second mistake is that the speed of restructuring is too fast. Most of restructuring at present don't have supportive background for advanced productivity. Therefore they resulted in that employee who remain the company are taking care of jobs,without overtime pay, of employee who were fired. If any, instead of restructuring,it is better for all employee to share their jobs. In other words,worksharing is very good for business people's mental health.If labour cost need to be cut,wage adjustment should be taken. By that, technology and know-how which were possessed by employee still remain. And in case that restructuing is too fast, even if the company's business recovered by firing employee, the employee who are fired cannot find out new posts. Unemployment benefit which is paid in that case are beared by workers and companys,so it doesn't become a benefit for the country.Third mistake is the direction of restructuring.Althoug the aim of restructuring is to increase the productivity, the restructuring at present such as employment reduction or scrap of production facility is the reduction of input(investment of capital and labour power). But in the coming intelectual creative society,by quality upgrade output(production) needs to be increased. But in the restructuring at present,employee who made mistakes become scape goats,instead of that employee who attribute to the company are evaluated. Under that circumstance,employee who are trying drastic challenges don't appear andnew creative achievement are not made. Japan in the future cannot help manufacturing products which are with refined sence and novel idea by high technology which cannot be obtained by other asian countries. But such ideas are not produced by employee who withered under such circumstance.Fourth problem is that most companies are misunderstanding the merit system. Merit system officially is to pay wages depending on how much the employee could attribute to the company.But in Japan, regardless of one's desire,all employee have to do jobs in the job field which are dicided by the company.And the company it self is responsible for whether if the job can succeed or not. So regardless of the result of the job, employment and a certain treatment have to be secured on the responsibility of the company. This should have been the Japanese employment style. The restructuring which are underway in many Japanese companies at present is as follow. Employee in middle age have only job ability which is useful only in the company in the result that they have developed their job ability according to the company. And then suddenly they are said "Time of merit system has come. You have to quit your job and get another post by yourself. We add a little to your retirement money.The restructuring which is underway in Japan made those mistakes. The best restructuring is to intensify the merit system on condition to secure the employment and to secure employee's creativity by giving employee a freedome to plan ones' job carrer. When large scale restructuring is made, in short term, the company's benefit doesn't increase because of the cost for the restructuring such as wellpaidmoney for early retirement. And in long term, its business doesn't improve because able employees go out the company and the moral of the employees go down.

Direct election for Prime Minister of Japan

Direct election for Prime Minister of Japan

Prime Minister of Japan is elected among lawmakers in the parliament by lawmakers them selves. This is due to the parliamentary system of government. But I think it is better for us to install the direct election for Prime Minister system into Japan and amend the parliamentary system of government.The reasons why I agree with the direct election of Prime Minister are followings;1) In the present election system, elected are many lawmakers who are supported by their own election committees or local pressure groups and don't devote themselves into governmental jobs but local jobs.2) Bipartisan system, in which the party with majority in the parliament can send a Prime Minister, is not formed in Japan. 3) Liberal Democratic Party is the only political party in Japan, which can send a Prime Minister. But factions are so influential in it that the president of it (= the Prime Minister) is decided based on the under-the-counter trade among the factions.4) After general election, Prime Minister changes one after another. This shows that voting by people in general election doesn't lead to the choice of Prime Minister in Japan.Under present political system, lawmakers elect the Prime Minister. But in fact the Prime Minister is always choiced by the balance among factions in LDP. This leads to the dissatisfaction of voters, feeling that Prime Minister is decided out of their responsibility. In addition, in recent elections of prefactual governer, some higly-evaluated governers were elected such as Shintaro Ishihara in Tokyo, Yasuo Tanaka in Nagano and Shiro Asano in Miyagi. In the result, it is expected that direct election is better to produce better governers. This expectation leads to the one for direct election of Prime Minister.But the opinion that in the present system good leaders are not generated, so direct election can generate good leaders is not reasonable. The political system doesn't always decide the ability of leaders. Some prefactual governers, elected by direct election, are not good leaders. And under the parliamentary system of government, which is same as Japan, some highly evaluated Prime ministers such as Ms.Satcher in UK and Mr.Kohl in Germany.Still I support the direct election of Prime Minister. That's because I think the political system that every people has responsibility and is involved in the future of this country is better. The present system without participation in politics can lead to unaware and irresponsibile society. I don't think it is not related with recent selfish and individualistic cases.The direct election of Prime Minister can provide each voter with opportunities to consider which candidates have what kind of political vision. When voters elected inappropriate one, such experience can give voters good political lesson. If they don't have such opportunities to directly elect, it is difficult to have such lessons or reflections.From now on, Japan is going to become the society that in every field, the principle of self-responsibility is more necesarry. Thinking of that, it is a contradiction that people can't elect Prime Minister under their self-responsilibities. So I think that direct election of Prime Minister is necessary in the basis of self-responsible society in future Japan.

Whaling controversy

Whaling controversy

The points at issue of a ban on whalingAt present whaling is almost completely banned. The reasons why Japan insists on restarting whaling are follows;*In Japan, whale meat has been eaten from ancient times and made use of on the living and cultural side.*It is unreasonable that Japanese culture is denied by other countries.*Whale resource doesn't dry up but increases too much because of overprotection.*It is a problem that political pressure from environmental protection groups with very emotional activity activities destroy s the ecosystem on earth.Japan doesnt want to make whales extinct nor insist to eat meats of near extinct animals. Japan just insists to resume to fish animals which prenty resource has been already confirmed. Now by protecting only whale which position in the ecosystem in the sea is highest, it is getting more and more getting damaged.2.International conference which passes unreasonable opinions by majority voteIn general meetings of IWC, reasonable measures are not adopted and unreasonable measures without scientific grounds are rammed by majority vote. It is haphazard, far from a true "international conference". It is governed by emotional , dogmatic and arbitrary opinions so much that logical, scientific and objective opinion doesnt hold true.Japan hasnt insisted on fishing near extinct species of about 80 kinds of whales. Minke whale, 760000 of them exist in Antarctic Ocean, has increased too much, comparing to the number of them before IWC began the control of whaling. IWC has acceted. Although Japan has insisted on fishing such species of whales, the opinion has not been accepted.Japan's conciliatory demand to fish only 50 heads along the Japanese shore has been rejected for 12 consecutive 12 years . Although Japan's insistence are logical on scientific grounds, England,US and Australia,all of which are strong anti-whaling countries, cant refute logically and instead demands demand adoptation and push through by the majority vote the same way. On the background, the countries, which have not been related to using whale resources, have been let participate in IWC by the anti-whaling countries ,which have tried to increase the number of anti-whaling countries in IWC.3.Anti-whaling campaign is made use of for political show by western countries which have doctorinate environmental protection policy.This is not just an issue of environmental protection. It is hidden in the name of environmental protection that the number of whales has increased very much. We would rather fish them. If we eat other fishes fish but dont eat whales, the ecosystem in the sea is will be getting destroyed more and more.It is the reason why the western environmental protection groups has have clung to the anti-whaling that anti-whaling is very important for their fund raising. The issues such as discarde of carbon dioxide or stopping the desertification are not supported by US which is one of economical leaders. But people contribute good money to anti-whaling campaigns, saying "whales are poor, why are they are eaten". Moreover only Japanese and Norwegian like to eat whale meat, so it is easy to criticize them. In short, whale is a symbol of western environmental groups for fund raising.In western countries, the politicians are highly regarded as a " pro-environmental politician", who struggle environmental problems such as smoke from factories, polluted water or acid rain and who come out with a measure for them or just talk about the controls or oppositions against them. And that raises their caliber and ties with their vote. It surely is the doctrinate for environmental protection. Certainly it is not wrong that the environmental issues are taken very seriously But based on the extream pro-environmental protectinonism, they find faults with cultures that they cant understand or that they dont need and they look down upon them as being uncivilized. And they always shut their eyes to their own environmental destruction for their development and they push down the suppression and regulation on countries, based on their principle of warped protection of wild animals and environmental protection. 4.It is double-dealing that US ban whaling against Japan but accept it to AmericanUK and US head the list of anti-whaling countries. But in the history of whaling for half a century, US had been whaling until 1960s and top whaling country. They wanted whale oil which doesnt freeze and they had discarded whale meat. But since chemically derived oil was invented, they hasnt neededhavent been needing whaling because they dont have them. Since then, US has become an anti-whaling country abruptly. And pro-environmental protection groups made used of American people's specially intense feeling for whales in order to push forward and in the result US changed their attitude into becoming a complete anti-whaling country.But it is their double-dealing that in US Inuits have kept whaling all the time. They have kept fishing arctic whales that only 7000 heads exist in the world. US government allows them to fish 60 heads of them a year. US people have eaten 1900 ton of whales a year. Inadvertently US is the top whaling country, although they are against whaling.If US really concerns about whale resource, US should raise questions against their own fishing of arctic whales instead of criticizing Japan's investigative whaling in which only 10 heads are captured from 100000 heads of whales. It is a fault of US that it tries to make sanctions, based on its domestic law, against Japan's investigative whaling of whale species out of resourceful problem.Additionally US has been killing many wild animals. At present US is culling 5600000 heads of deer a year. Australia is culling 2-3000000 heads of kangaroo a year for food and eat them. It is unreasonable of them to criticize fishing whales which increase too much.5. Whales has increasedThe whales which especially has have increased is are minke whales that 760000 heads of them are recognized only in the Antactic Ocean. The number is considered that culling 2000 heads a year doesnt give bad effects on its resource. Although human beings has have eaten up 90000000 tons of fishes fish a year, whale species is have been caliculated to have eaten up 520000000 tons of fishes fish a year, 5 times as much as one which human being has eaten up. By protecting only whales, they keep destroying the ecosystem in the sea irreparablly.Originally whales are bigger than other fishes fish and are located on the top of the food chain. It is natural that the number of animals which is on the top of the food chain is small. Systematic whaling doesnt jeopardize the ecosystem, but the ban of whaling resulted in the unnatural increase of some whale species on the top of the food chain in the sea. And inverse-propotional to its multiplying, small size fishes fish which are eaten by whales increased and it the result big size fishes and whales increased.6.We should make sure the principles to live with whales beyond nations and cultures.IWC is responsible for leaving whales as a common property among human being. it has to protect whales such as blue whales which is on the brink of extinction,but permit to fish whales such as mink whales which is recongized to have increase a lot. Because of resource restoration, anti-whaling has lost its role as a symbol of environmental protection. The arrogance to deny other countries' food culture is not permitted .In the future when world population will increase, food resource in the antarctic sea including whales has a possibility to become an precious food resource common among human being. Japan is in the forefront of fishing and investigating technology and can contribute to the research of oceanic biology. Coexisting with other cultures and whales is the starting point of the whale problem.

Can Japan escape from nuclear weapons?

Can Japan escape from nuclear weapons?

2002/07/05On August 6,1945, "a little boy" was dropped from one of the B29 bombers on Hiroshima in Japan. "Little Boy" is the nickname given to the atomic bomb. The little boy killed totally 221,893 people in the city including an estimated 140,000 who died by the end of 1945 as a direct result of the bomb. 57 years after the bomb, the ceremony, commemorating the atomic bomb victims have been held on the day every year, with a solemn vow never to repeat the tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and to make a New World of peace and humanity, free of nuclear weapons.Last year Mr.Koizumi said in the rite, Japan will continue taking the lead in pushing for global elimination of nuclear arm and Tokyo will urge other countries to promote arms reduction and nuclear non proliferation and will make further efforts to have the comprehensive test ban treaty come in to force.Nevertheless, Koizumi's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda made a reckless remark, hinted at the possibility of Japan going nuclear. He said to beat reporters that Japan's three non-nuclear principles --banning the manufacturing, possession and introduction of nuclear weapons --- may be subject to change. Where does this comment stem from? He told a press conference that his remark was just a legal theory and Tokyo will be keeping commited to non-nuclear policy. Despite of his clarification, his remark provoked public suspicion whether he made his " faux pas" by design? Behind-the-scenes attempts to reverse the non-nuclear policy are underway somewhere within the government and the LDP. Because Koizumi administration is supported by a LDP faction originating from a former alliance of party hawks.It may be theoretically possible for Japan to possess nuclear arms. But is it better for Japan to go nuclear? The merits and demerits of Japan's potential nuclear arms capability are unknown. Of more than 180 countries in the world, nuclear powers are a minority. What would Japan gain by acquiring nuclear arms and joining the minority?Some military instability in South Asia such as China's growing military power, The balistic missile test in Nihon Sea by North Korea and the india-pakistan nuclear tests left the Japanese people faced with the need to re-examine Japan's traditional nuclear principles and reliance on the US nuclear umbrella.North Korea is a rogue country with growing missile capabilities and nuclear ambiguity. Pyongyang's test of a nuclear-capable three-stage missile over Japan in August 1998 means that every part of Japan is exposed to missiles and nuclear attacks from North Korea.China, supplier of missiles and other technology to North Korea, seeks strategic dominance over East Asia and rattles its nuclear and missile arsenal at Taiwan. Yet China insists that Japan must remain non-nuclear and must not participate in developing non-nuclear missile defence to protect itself and US forces in Japan. To our disappointing, Japan cannot escape from nuclear weapons.In addition, in spite of its declaration at three non-nuclear principles, Japan has continued to turn a blind eye when nuclear-capable US worships enter its ports. In facts, various testimonies and confidential documents indicate that nuclear weapons have been brought into Japan in the past, though the government has denied all such allegations. In its dependence on an alliance critically reliant on US nuclear weapons, it couldn't have been otherwise.I suggest that Japan should modify its non-nuclear principles by removing the phrase "not allowing nuclear arms into Japan". If Japan seeks to maintain the principles of not possesing and not manufacturing nuclear arms and adapt to the realities of depending on the US nuclear umbrella for national security, the only choice would be to modify the one of the three principles. Although this position may be hard to accept for those who uphold all these non-nuclear principles as dogma.Eitherway, it is better for Japan to continue to rely on the US extented deterrance, which provided nuclear protection in ways that don't alarm Japan's neighbors.

High school baseball championship and Karoshi

High school baseball championship and Karoshi

Last weekend my friend dropped in at my apartment. He is a great baseball fan. He said he was going to see the High school baseball national championship final(in Japan). I'm not interested in baseball, so I asked him why he liked watching high school baseball. His answers was that he liked to see players, young highschool students, are putting his all into their training and try to do their best in their games. They look genuine to play baseball. That was his answer. There are many people who like highschool sports such as baseball, football or rugby. But I guess they like to see young people try to do their best hard, they don't like sports it self. Watching sports make it easy to understand how hard they are making efforts.But I'm not interested in highschool sports championship. I think they are trying to do training too long hours, 4-5 hours everyday with no break, no day off. That's clazy. The psychology, which is oriented to hard training, could lead to pschychology of Karosi"death from overwork" in Japanese companies. In Japan, it is highly evaluated to do same things as others do and not to show their weakness, not to complain. It seems that they are doing sports or jobs to show their faith to the group, which they belong to, rather than enjoying playing games. This puts very heavy pressure on us.In my company I haven't heard any Karoshi cases but I hear some middle class managers have been absent for long time. They were given too much work, which was beyond their capability, but in my company there is a heavy atmosphere that we must not say that the plan is difficult or impossible to achieve. So when middle managers are given a certain project, even if it looks impossible to achieve, they must do it without any excuse. That's ridiculous.What is more, my company is basically on seniority system basis, age-based evaluation system. It is recently trying to introduce performance-based evaluation system in part, though. So there is not so great difference in salary of managers. It has not so great impact on managers' salary whether they can achieve or not their goal. In spite of that, they are working hard. And there is a common psychology or atmosphere between Japanese highschool sports and Japanese companies, which fastens up them."Harmony of group is first priority." "The nails that stick up get hammered down." Those two proverbs express such atmosphere very well. Those who stand out either by voicing their own opinion too directly or by exhibiting loud or showy behavior are typically rejected by the group. And people are trying hard to keep up with other members of the group. That means he is excluded from the group.In other words, Japanese are apt to think or act with consciousness of one's group. For example, I read an article about an English language school in USA for learners of English as second language. If there is only one Japanese in the class, the Japanese feel free to speak in English.But if there are some Japanese, they are reluctant to speak in English, that's because they are conscious for other Japanese.Where did such habit come form? I think it came from Japanese agricultural society. Japan is an island country. Many people have clung to the little level land that is available for agriculture. And water had to be shared among villagers. They had to help eachother with their work. A person was ostracized by the village, if he doesn't maintain its harmony. And the reigning system in Edo era in 17-19 Century for about 250 years was the system to utilize such village system to reign the people. That forced each of villagers to keep an eye on each other and inform any strange people, dubious people to the authorities. Such society had kept for 250 years. And in those days Japanese government had a policy to close the country against foreign countries. It was a kind of cult society. The mentality which people had acquired in those days has continued until now. This is the origin of Japanese characteristic of group conformity.

Current reform of Japanese school curricula

Current reform of Japanese school curricula

A new subject called "comprehensive study" will be introduced in spring next year at elementary,junior high school in Japan.This course will emphasize students to get hands on their own experience by going beyond the borders of conventional subjects.The subject requires no text book and the content of the study is to be chosen freely at each school.I think conventional curricula in school should be reduced and time for comprehensive studies should be devoted into.Current school system in Japan is that children in same grade study same content.Under such uniform curricula,teachers can't freely select appropriate teaching method ,depending on how much children understand the content.Teachers have laid aside their students who don't understand enough as they do.Actually it is reported that 30% of elementary school children,50% of junior highschool students and 70% of high school students can't keep up with class room studies.Students who can't keep up with class room studies tend to lose their eagerness for studying and come to dislike studying and in some case finally come to refuse going to school.In order to improve this situation,we need to revise the education system to teach the students until all of them can understand perfectly trier curricula.And we should make a more flexible educational system in which students can independently select the content which they want to study.Then students will be able to consider which field they fit and enjoy their study.As our society underwent a great change,it has become more difficult to find out problems and solutions.Students don't fully understand the meaningfullness of studying.Education system depending mainly on study by rote has reached a limit.Through comprehensive studies,students can go beyond the borders of conventional subjects and learn first-hand knowledge based on studying positive actual experience.It is important to combine the conventional studies and the comprehensive studies ,instead of choosing only one between them.There are some opposing arguments against this idea.One of them is that once comprehensive study is introduced,time for conventional studies are reduce and contents which students have to learn are reduced ,in result scholastic ability of students will decline.But the percentage of students who go on to a high school is more than 90% at the present time in Japan.The lowest necessary knowledge or technical skill for students hasn't to be cramed into only in 9 years of compulsory education.And special classes for excellent students who can understand completely should be made so that they can study higher standard of content as they like.

Malpractice in Japanese hospitals

Malpractice in Japanese hospitals

In 1999,about 40 cases of malpractice were reported in Japan.And probably there were more malpractice cases.Naturally enough,hospital must not harm patients,though.In order to realize this natural thing,total risk management had to be performed completely for all medical care duties of hardware,software and personnel management.I think of 3 counter measures.1st is to analyse medical care duties in order to reduce the risk of malpractice.It is certain that every affair is accompanied with risk.There is nothing free from risk and is safe one hundred percent.But we must make efforts to reduce the risk.Fundamental cause of malpractice is the defects of system or organization to bring about the chain of mistakes or errors.In order to reduce the risk,we have to carry out risk analysis which is to bring all risks to light.Second is to build up a total system of training-record-report-watch.When malpractice happens,anyone who made mistakes is specified and is called to account for own errors.That is necessary process but only with this process it is difficult to stop recurrence of the malpractice.Another person will make a similar mistake.Human error rather than machine trouble is the main reason for malpractice.So in order to avoid such human error,it is necessary to have a view point to pursuit fundamental cause of accident rather than culprit.And to avoid such human error,it is necessary to make a training system for medical workers to prevent accidents from occurring.Third is to build up the check system of medication by the disclosure of information.I think the nation's medical workers have not learned lessons from mistakes,because malpractices have been covered up.Institutions have to disclose incidents of apparent malpractice and "near-miss" incidents if raising the alarm will be of help to other medical institution.

Decline of Scholastic ability of Japanese students

Decline of Scholastic ability of Japanese students

In Japan recently, university teachers have pointed out that students' academic skills have been declining. This is partly because entrance exams have become easier to pass as universities try to keep enrollments up while the number of high school graduates drops amid the falling birth rates. Some universities are even obliged to offer high school level classes to students so that they can catch up. In addition, according to a research, which compare the percentage of correct answer of tests for high school students in 1995 and1999, the percentage declines in math, science and social science. Teachers are worried about the effect of the Education Ministry's new mandatory curriculum plan in which the volume of knowledge that students are required to retain will be cut down by 30% from next April at elementary school and junior highschool.I think problem is the way of teaching in highschool or a general education curricula of university. Many teachers probably can't foster the student's academic interest. Some people attribute this to the Education ministry's policy to have reduced the volume of knowledge that students are required to retain. But this may not be only cause.The problem at present is what is the national standard of education. The present standard aims to foster students' basic academic skills and to minimize the number of students who can't keep up with their curricula. So that it is natural that the standard remains at relatively low level. Requests from university side aiming to foster high-class researches or technicians is too much.And highschool and general education curricula of university need to build up classes which bring out students' academic interest and encourage students to find out problems and solve them on their own. Besides minimum carricula, it is necessary to build up special classes for excellent students. We need to reform our present education system to the system which can foster students academic interest.And it is another problem that teachers are not highly motivated to give good lessons. It is necessary to build up a system to evaluate good teachers and to give incentives for not only research but also education. Evaluation of teacher's salary or promotion by students should be introduced.And the tendency that study times ofJapanese students has decreased recently is another reason. According to a research, the ration of students who don't study out of school is 8% in China, 13% in US and 42% in Japan.Japanese students' image was that they were pressed to examination hell and afford to do nothing except for study in cram school. But now in international levelthey are classified in the group of less study.So what is a scholastic ability? I think it is the ability to cope with an unexpected situation or problems based on their own experience. And literacy and ability of calculation is the basis for understanding complicate problems, considering them logically, solve and explain them.In order to develop students' ability of them, we need to education system in which high level curricula for elite students and relaxed curricula for ordinary students need to coexist.

Corporate responsibility

Corporate responsibility

"Snow Brand Milk Products Co.'s mass food-poisoning incident"In Snow Brand's Osaka plant, dairy products were contaminated with staphylococcus aureus bacteria, sickened 14500 people. In the plant, returned milk products from retailers were reused as raw materials, brending process was carried out outdoor and washing of bulbs was not enough. They seem to be a part of causes of this incident.After a few cases of the food poisoning were reported and Osaka municipal government officers carried out on site inspection of the plant, Snow Brand must have issued an announcement about this incident but it was issued a day after the day. This delay seems to have attributed to increase of victims. Basically Snow Brand voluntarily must have issued this announcement. But in this case which the manufacturer wouldn't have announce, administrative body must have done that."Mitsubishi Motors concealed customers' complaints"Mitsubishi Motors concealed complaints about its product from Department of transportation. Recalls were also concealed. This means that without notice, defective cars were in secrecy recovered and repaired. This seems to have attributed to more fatal traffic accidents or property damage of traffic accidents."Bridgestone/Firestone's recall"Bridgestone Corp's subsidiary in US, Firestone Inc, announced the recall of 6.5 million tires made in US plant, saying that a part of its product have defects. The defect of tires was known beforehand, but Firestone has so far tried to keep hidden from the public. Tens of fatal traffic accidents have occurred. It is the biggest problem that corporations and administrative bodies were reluctant to announce the information about the problem after the public furor. Both are reluctant to issue an announcement if it were not for legal grounds. In both organization, concrete solution is required by executives, so it takes long time until the information is sent to top executive who can decide to issue the announcement.But if countermeasures are not firmed, the information should be announced promptly from the viewpoint of preventing from occurrence of a lot of harm. And it is necessary to institute a law, which makes it obligatory to announce the information.In US, it is an obligation to report the information to an administrative body. And if corporation violates the law, it is liable to pay a large amount of fine and punitive damages. This aims to punish the accused by increasing sum of fine because of its fault expanding the suffering.In other words, it is an advantage for corporations to announce promptly about the information and try to prevent from expanding sufferings because it helps to cut the sum of punitive damages.On the other hand, the system that corporations or administrative bodies can get information about the problem as soon as possible is necessary. That means our society needs a more effective system to cope with customer complaints. It is necessary to regard the customer complaints as a treasure trove for growing of our society.

The criticism against Japanese textbook screening from Asian countries

The criticism against Japanese textbook screening from Asian countries

In Japan all textbooks used in Japan's elementary and secondary schools must receive approval from the Ministry of Education prior to their use. Through this screening, the government controls the content of school textbooks. Especially textbooks in history are subject to careful screening that consistently excludes all photos of the war.This March the textbook screening for 2002 is being carried out. The textbooks to be screened include one which is compiled earnestly by people who has criticized the traditional textbooks for "self-torture" history.Criticism from Asian countries against this textbook has become more clamorous before the screening. And it becomes an issue whether the government of Japan intervenes in the decision to pass or fail this textbook.This topic includes following issues.(A) The content of Japanese textbook is criticised from other countries.(B) Textbook screening system is legitimate or not.(C) How should we teach our childeren about the past war of our own country?As for (A), the textbook screening in Japan is the system to point out some defects in the textbooks, reflected on the objective facts obtained by scholarly results.And among some textbooks, which pass the screening, local educational committees or teachers can select one textbook, which they will use. Even though one textbook based on extreme opinion was passed, the balance is kept and there is no problem.It is inappropriate interference in domestic affairs of Japan that the textbooks under the system are criticized from other countries. It is uncomfortable for us that some Asian countries criticize the content of textbooks of Japan. They are using this issue as the most effective diplomatic (political) resort against Japan. They immediately had to stop this criticism. And Japanese government had flatly to refuse.As for (B), the present screening system is only to point out some objective defects. Textbooks are widely used among students and children in the whole country. It is a problem that some defects are left in them. Therefore it is necessary to have such screening system. But I think following points are problems to revise.(1) This system has some opaque process. Which description was demanded to revise is not made public nor from what reason, what data they were demanded is not made public. These opaque processes lack objectivity and should be improved.(2) Although this system aims to point out the objective defects, it reflects the opinion of then central government. It is inappropriate to demand the amendment of the contents contrary to the government's opinion. In Japanese textbooks," wartime-sex slavery" is touched. But there is no historical facts to prove it and a negotiation in backside between Japan and Korea produced that such inaccurate thing was described in textbooks. Anyway screening system should be based on objectivity, science, not on politics.As for (C), war is not the thing, which can simply affirm or deny one-sidedly. It should be considered in the historical context. To reign over a country in the international society, political tactics are necessary. War is one of them, one of the choices.In the old days, an organization to settle some international disputes was weak and the weight of war in the political tactics was big. The people who decided to do a war then can't be criticized for that. Then-leaders were called to account for their failures.In the present day, there is an international organization such as UN to bring a complaint with about international dispute. So we had to seek a peace solution instead of war, which violate people's lives. Such political battles are a war in modern international society.Like this, the meaning of war has changed in history. So we shouldn't teach our children one-sidedly that war in past was bad thing.

what is ur country's national sports

What is ur country's national sports?
What is ur country's national sports? 2002/07/27Im my company, we have an athletic meeting every year in which most younger employees participate. We have a meeting beforehand to decide which sports we play and we have played baseball or softball in other years, although more people have said they want to play football these years. Noone says he or she want to play "Sumo", although it is the national sports in Japan. Has there any difference of the popularity of sports among people? Which sports is on earth worthy of national sports in Japan ?I suppose there are some necessary condition for national sports. 1) It originated in the country or it has been loved for long time in the country. 2) There are many fan and players regardless of professionals or amateurs. It has been made much of by whole nation and the players can secure their stable social position. 3) The country has held a high position of the sports in the world. 4) The country has made international contributions through the activities to spread it and there are many of its lovers all over the world. The rule is accepted internationally.How about football as the national sports for Japan? In world cup or olympic, Japanese medias has given a bigger write-ups to the national team and there maybe are many people who cheer for the team even though they don't know too much about the rule of footbal. But as if it is an inverse proportion to the number of the athletes, the space and frequency for reporting J league and football games is still less and in fact many football fans probably don't know about other players than Nakata, Ono and Inamoto. And it is in these last few years when football has gained its great popularity, so we can't say that football has been loved in japan for long time.How about Sumo? A Chonmage (topknot), Fundoshi (loincloth), Dohyo (sumo ring) and Nakedness……. Sumo was born in Japan and has strictly kept up some Japan's peculiar style and tradition, meanwhile for those reasons, it is difficult to imagine that sumo is spreading through other countries. Sumo lacks internationality. And although professional Sumo is greatly popular among people (not as popular as before though), amateur sumo is not so popular as other sports. Sumo is not in the circumstance that many people from children to adults are enjoying daily.Judo was born in Japan too, but it has been spreading through the world. Its rule, spirit as the art of self-defence, wear and manners-and-courtesy have been accepted in almost all countries as they are in Japan and its technical terms are used in international games such as Olympic game. It is possible to say that Jodo symbolize Japan. Although the legend "Japan as No.1 for Judo" has fallen through, Japan is still one of strongest countries. But disappointingly many young and old people do not play it. We can't say that Judo is a socially popular sport in Japan.Baseball has played in Japan since Meizi era (late 19th century) and there are many players in students baseball and amateur baseball, from children to old people. There are many fans for them and it is often on TV or newspapers. Enthusiastic fans of highschool baseball championship is a scenery and customs of Japan in summer. People who don't usually play any sports can easily participate in. In fact at the opportunities to play any sport in such as get-together in companies, baseball is usually chosed. Because everyone has played it in their childhood and known its basic rule. It is not as international as football but it is adopted in Olympic game, where Japan is a high-ranking country.As I mention above, baseball, which has both long history, popularity and internationality and taken root in Japan, is worthy of Japan's national sports best.

do you want to work in a big company?

Do you want to work in a big company or
Do you want to work in a big company or small company?one of my memories in my job seeking experience in Japan is the color of job seekers' suits. When I entered into the interview room of one of the companies, I saw job seekers (all were graduated school students) in dark gray suits. Meanwhile I wore a light brown suit. I was teased and regarded as a heresy by one interviewer.Most Japanese students go to job interviews in similar dark gray suits in this economic slump. They encounter difficulties to get good jobs and reconsider what they really want to do and what they look for in a company: economic stability, freedom in your job, or good salary?In my case, I wanted to join any big company. Luckily, I got a job in a middle-big company in Japan. Still, I think that my choice was a good one.Certainly in recent economic slumps, you can see many big companies collapsing. Seemingly you can't say you are safe, and economically stable even if you're working for a big company. But, it is the same for people who are working for small companies and worst of all, big companies are trying to cut costs and the burden of cost cutting is passed on to small companies as you saw in the case of restructuring of Nissan, Japanese big auto manufacturer. In that sense you are a bit safer in big companies than in small companies.Meanwhile some say that in big companies, employees are just small cogs in a wheel, with no freedom in ones job responsibility. Is that true? Big companies know that they can't survive in these economic slumps.

learning about the past has no value?

Learning about the past has no value ?
Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present?Each of us has a purpose for learning, such as examinations, promotions, business, or as a hobby. It is clear that we don't want to make the same mistakes, which we made before. Also, we want to produce new things so that we can make our lives better. For those purposes, learning about the past is valuable for us.If we don't learn from our mistakes, we will repeat those same mistakes over and over again. To avoid them, we have to observe ourselves from different angles. The best way is to study the past. The past contains many mistakes, which we have previously made. We can learn a lot from them, enough that they won't ever be repeated.On the other hand, some people say that we should discard old things, such as perspectives or the way of thinkings, so that we can make renovation. But can we really make that if we don't know the past? After all new ideas are usually born from old things.Fashion is a good example. Trends of fashion look very new on the surface. But you often see popular fashions from 10 years before returning now. They have a different taste but are basically the same. New fashions are created from old trends.Therefore learning about the past is very valuable for us. By learning, we will acquire wisdom to avoid making the same mistakes again and to make innovations, both privately and publicly.

how does acupuncture treatment work

How does acupuncture treatment work?
How does acupuncture treatment work?Acupuncture is basically the treatment, which influence physiological functioning of human body by the insertion of very fine needles on the body's surface. So to understand the mechanism of acupuncture treatment, it is necessary to make clear 3 points.(1) First is what are acupuncture points.(2) Second is how acupuncture points on human body surface are connected with the inside of human body (disease site).(3) Third is what happens at the disease site in human body at the acupuncture treatment.(1) A model has been proposed that acupuncture points are organizing centers in morphogenesis. In development, the fate of a larger region is frequently controlled by a small group of cells. This small area is termed as an organizing center. The network of organizing centers keep their growth control function after morphogenesis and communicate with each other via gap junctions, nerves to maintain proper forms and functions. Therefore an abnormality inside the network may be detected by measuring the electrical parameters of some points on its surface. Malfunctions of some organs can be preceded by change of and treated by manipulation of the interconnected singular points. One feature of organizing centers are high electric conductivity. Electric fields are important factors in growth control, cell migration and morphogenesis. A variety of cells including neurons myoblasts and fibroblasts are sensitive to electric fields of physiological strength.A study by SQUID (Super conducting Quantum Interference Device) shows that the meridian is a major pathway of magnetic and electric flux on the scalp and also a separatrix, which divides the scalp into two domains of different flow direction. And most acupuncture points and meridian points are the high electric conductance points on body surface and vice versa. This is the common point between acupuncture points and organizing centers.(2) As mentioned above, acupuncture points are electrically characterized points. And the conductance of acupuncture points also varies and correlates with physiological changes and pathogenesis. So electric information is passed from disease site to acupuncture points. One observation is that calcium ion concentration in meridians and acupuncture points in rabbit was significantly higher than other points. Calcium is an important factor in acupuncture and probably involved in the activities of meridians. Calcium works as some kind of mediator across cell membrane. Such calcium mediated messaging can be elicited by electrical or laser stimulation as well as chemical exposure. Similarly the therapeutic effects of acupuncture can be achieved by a variety of stimuli including laser, mechanical and electrical stimulation. Some effect of acupuncture is mediated through nervous system. But many meridians don't correlate with major nerves or blood vessels. Nervous system is so complex that all relations with each other nerves can't be understood. But indirect interconnection between nervous play a role on the effect of meridian system.(3) Acupuncture can be effective in treating various diseases such as cold, pulmonary disease, asthma, constipation, diarrhea, and severe pain. The mechanism of acupuncture at disease part can be divided into two. One is to affect the condition of muscles. Some diseases such as above can be caused by that badly balanced muscles oppress nerve system. So, by normalizing the condition of muscle lead to healing such diseases.Another is to affect the metabolic pathway of chemical compound such as triglycerids, specific hormones, and prostaglandins, which play important roles in diseases. As mentioned, acupuncture points can pass the electric stimulus into disease sites such stimulus can generate the changes of metabolite. There are the two mechanism of acupuncture points.

